

Humans with AI Guardians

Humans with AI Guardians

Humaic Labs leads the field of Humaic Intelligence (HI) by developing open-source AI that empowers, extends, and enhances individual human beings

Humaic Labs leads the field of Humaic Intelligence (HI) by developing open-source AI that empowers, extends, and enhances individual human beings

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Based on Humaism

We are creating an entirely new field of AI, based on Humaism, to better align superintelligence before it's too late for humanity.

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Building Open-Source HI

We are developing open-source tools and frameworks for HI that allow developers to create personal AI agents 100x faster.

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Creating HI for All Humanity

We are organizing the global community to develop an HI companion for all, that can run locally on our personal devices.

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© 2023 Humaic Labs, Inc.

© 2023 Humaic Labs, Inc.